Succession planning is critical – there’s going to be a massive turnover of business ownership in the next decade — with potentially a trillion dollars of assets at risk.
Even in retirement, financial planning is necessary to realize your plans and secure your future.
Personal financial plans are similar to business plans and both require attention of the business owner if you are to reach your long term goals.
Farm owners need to consider tax implications and family members when estate planning.
Collaborative Family Law is a new system where each spouse is represented by a lawyer who helps navigate them through the separation process by negotiating a Collaborative Settlement and therefore avoiding the need to proceed to Court.
In Bruce County alone, 62% of the land is dedicated to the agriculture industry with 63% of farms being family-owned. Over $255 million in gross sales annually is generated by 3,750 different farm operators. Incorporating a family farm can most certainly bring real benefits to both the estate’s planning and to the taxation rate of […]
The axiom may sound like a cliche, but is effective in communicating a business concept that should be understood by all business owners. Too often profitable companies go out of business because they run out of cash, not because they run out of work.