The 6th Annual Dragons Den was held last night at the Meaford Hall and generated nearly $26,215 for local start-ups.
In Bruce County alone, 62% of the land is dedicated to the agriculture industry with 63% of farms being family-owned. Over $255 million in gross sales annually is generated by 3,750 different farm operators. Incorporating a family farm can most certainly bring real benefits to both the estate’s planning and to the taxation rate of […]
The axiom may sound like a cliche, but is effective in communicating a business concept that should be understood by all business owners. Too often profitable companies go out of business because they run out of cash, not because they run out of work.
Because we don’t need any more golf courses, for one. Old landfills are often ideal sites for solar farms because the land has a limited number of alternative uses. It’s not possible to sink heavy foundations (which rules out large buildings) and environmental concerns weigh against other possibilities. Solar panels deliver valuable energy that the […]
There are three kinds of decision makers–but only one type gets the best results. While it might be true that good leaders excel at consistently making good decisions, great leaders try to involve others in the process, at least when there’s the time and opportunity to do so. Canfield suggests first visually delineating desired results […]
When an employee has the courage to give you negative feedback, you need to accept it like a gift. It’s tough to receive negative feedback, but as a leader you must treat it as if it were a fine wine. Once the cork is out of the bottle, you need to identify its nuances and […]
Instead of just waiting for the work week to end, use those last few hours and these tips to make next week start out fantastic. Most people get excited that Friday is here, especially if the week has been hectic and packed. But often Fridays can seem like a waste (especially before holidays). Your brain, […]
….If you say or do something that offends your customers or the public, your efforts to save your company and your leadership position have to be authentic and fast. The litany of executives, public figures, and politicians who have unraveled publicly due to a discriminatory statement, extramarital affair, crime, or even personal beliefs, shows just […]