It appears that doing nothing can be the best way to achieve results. Owen Sound proved it with the March 2013 MoneySense magazine’s annual list of the 200 best Canadian cities to live. Using the high risk ‘do nothing’ approach, the city’s gamble paid off improving its ranking by 166% in just one year. To […]
Hi-speed Internet is not the answer, just one part of an economic plan. It’s seldom that the Mayors of Owen Sound, Georgian Bluffs, Meaford and Chatsworth speak with one voice. This uncommon act of unity happened at the recent Mayor’s Forum hosted by the Owen Sound Chamber of Commerce. They unanimously declared that the future […]
When is a public forum a waste of time? You’d know the answer If you attended the recent Mayor’s Forum hosted by the Owen Sound Chamber of Commerce. Their intention was good, but regrettably inadequately planned, managed and moderated. The Chamber believes that hosting the annual forum fulfils its mandate of advocacy and leadership in […]
The Mayor’s Forum, an annual event hosted by the Owen Sound Chamber of Commerce was promoted as an opportunity to hear the Mayors of Owen Sound, Georgian Bluffs, Meaford and Chatsworth talk about “ways to cooperate” and to “create common efficiencies” among their municipalities. It did more to highlight the dysfunctional relationship between Owen Sound […]
Surely someone’s told you to ’embrace failure’ before. Here’s what that means, actually, and how to do it. Failure can be extremely painful. Indeed, the “normal” psychological reaction to failure is to distract yourself and do something completely different right away. But extremely-successful entrepreneurs typically defy this “normal” reaction. They go back and try […]
During Social Media Week, Quirky CEO Ben Kaufman said when it comes to product innovation, there are limits to what social media can do. Among the many events currently taking place as part of Social Media Week, Quirky CEO and founder Ben Kaufman spoke Thursday about benefits and, more importantly, the limitations of social […]
When you hear it, advice is just that, advice. You only know if it’s great after the fact. Wouldn’t it be great if you knew in advance? The father of my college girlfriend once told me that digital electronics–semiconductors, to be specific–was going to be huge. That was in 1978. I had nothing better going […]
Today faith only goes so far. Earning trust is the sure path to success. Brian Halligan, CEO Of HubSpot, shares five tips for building trust fast. All collaboration is built on trust. Whether making sales, building a team, or managing people, without trust productivity falls apart. Often, you’ll take action, requiring trust even before […]