The Ontario Chamber of Commerce released a report on rising energy costs the result of a year-long study. Calls for Ontario Govt action to come up with a plan.
Grey Bruce area to hold career & training fair in October.
The City presented the sixth annual Owen Sound Cultural Awards today at a ceremony held at the Harry Lumley Bayshore Community Centre. Honorees include John Barnum, long-time musical director of the Georgian Bay Symphony, receiving the Lifetime Achievement Award, and Frank and Leigh Greaves, the first married couple to receive the Patron award, for their […]
An Ontario Chamber of Commerce report indicates a marked decline in business confidence over the last year.
Owen Sound has won a tourism award for the marketing of its Owen Sound Salmon Tour and Tasting event last fall.
The City of Owen Sound seeks inout from residents on the strategic plan to carry us through the next five years.
Grey County seeks input on draft economic development strategy.
Monday, December 1, Owen Sound’s new council was sworn into office, beginning their 2014-2018 term The Grey Bruce Business Journal asked the new council, ‘Which issue should this next term’s council give to more focus to: A) Bringing in new business developments, or B) encouraging small businesses presently in operations?‘ We are awaiting responses from […]