First of all, tell us a little about your background and overall platform in 100 words or less.
Born and raised in Owen Sound and owned a business downtown for over a decade. Married with two young sons. They are my motivation to run for Deputy Mayor. I want opportunities for them to make Owen Sound where they want to live.
I have served the people of Owen Sound, on Council, for several terms and continue to bring forward new ideas and work with others to find workable solutions to our problems. As your Deputy Mayor I will serve you, as I have been doing, on Owen Sound Council and will give you a strong and independent voice at Grey County Council.
To learn more about me and what I want to do visit me on Facebook at David Adair: Candidate for Deputy Mayor.
What do you see as the major issue(s) facing business-owners in Grey-Bruce?
Industrial leaders tell me that they will soon face a shortage of skilled labour. It would be terrible if they had to look outside the area (even to Europe as some industries in Manitoba are doing).
Our youth are leaving because they say there are no opportunities. I will bring the County, our educational institutions, the Community Foundation and others together to provide the skills training to our youth that our industries need.
The lack of connectivity is also a big issue. High speed broadband is needed to attract and retain business and young entrepreneurs. Both of these things will take real leadership at the County level.
What strategies do you have in mind to stimulate economic growth in the region?
Our major export is not beef cattle or gravel it is our youth. I want to see a County wide strategy to provide the skills training our youth and industries need.
As our youth leave we have to bring people in to work! This is a bit crazy. As I said above the County needs to work with industry and educational institutions to make this happen and not just keep studying the issue as they have been doing for the last 10 years or more. We need real action and leadership on this, right now, from the County.
If the large telecoms can’t be persuaded to bring high speed broad band here on their own … we will need to do this ourselves buy setting up our own internet utility.
Do you feel economic growth should focus on:
A) Bringing in new business developments, or
B) Encouraging small businesses presently in operations?
Making the region a good place for our existing business to thrive and grow will have the added benefit of making this an attractive area for other businesses to come. Again skills training and connectivity will help retain and grow our existing businesses and make our region attractive to new business.
Do you think local business taxes should be:
A) Increased
B) Decreased
C) Maintained at current levels
The City has been slowly lowering the tax burden on industrial and commercial properties for several years now, as we adjust the tax rates and classes. I supported this and continue to support this.
Should there be any changes in the services offered to local businesses?
If the large telecoms can’t be persuaded to bring high speed broad band here on their own or in a partnership with municipalities then we will need to do this ourselves buy setting up our own internet utility. This would be a new and much needed service not just for business but everyone in the region.
I support continuing the Enterprise Centre that has helped so many small businesses and entrepreneurs in our region.