Tag: councillor

Gillespie to Put the Spark in Council

I was born and raised in Owen Sound and have recently retired. I successfully ran an Office equipment company for 20 years, and then two local area golf courses (Sauble and Chippewa) for the next 22 years before retiring. I raised 3 daughters here in town, but they all moved on to London to pursue their careers as they could not find employment in their chosen fields locally.

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Nickels Wants to Allow Business to Do Business

I believe that we need to change how we approach our marketing. It is time to accept that we will not likely be able to attract major employers so it is time to focus on marketing the lifestyle we enjoy here. We should go after the smaller operator and remember the older demographic. This is such a wonderful place to retire; we need to capitalize on that.

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New Generation Stepping Up to Run the City

First of all, tell us a little about your background and overall platform in 100 words or less. I was born and raised in Owen Sound. After high school I had the opportunity, to volunteer with an organization that was funded through the Canadian International Development Agency to promote positive life choices for youth across […]

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McIntosh Seeks Second Term on Meaford Council

I am a 34 year old entrepreneur with 3 small businesses in various stages of operation. I am running to be re-elected for my second term as Councillor for the Municipality of Meaford. I firmly believe that our community’s future prosperity is dependent upon our ability to attract outside investment and to leverage our economic strengths in creating a much more diverse value added export stream for agricultural goods and tourism experiences that lend themselves to those new sources of investment revenue.

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Dean Enters Race for Council

I am running to help our community be seen as a good place to start and grow your business and live, where best practices, strategic partnerships and collaborative approaches help us to be more cost effective and improve services to meet our growing community needs.

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Young Up-And-Comer Wants to Contribute More

As councillor, I will continue to be involved in engaging and working with community members to co-create a sustainable and prosperous Municipality of Meaford. I will ensure that residents are paying a fair amount of taxes and getting the best benefit from them and ensure that our economy is developed in an ecologically responsible way that creates sustainable jobs.

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Schierz to Bring Business Knowledge to Hanover Council

I work at Interforest in Durham and have been here the past 25 years. I have gained extensive experience working at this International company. We still have a small production and sales distribution at the plant with 35 employees. I bring a private sector business prospective to council.

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Stephens Vies for Term on Council

I am a wife. Mother, grandmother, great grandmother, certified reflexologist, massage practitioner. I am self-employed and had a store front business for 4 years in downtown Meaford.

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Learn to Network

Business Networking International (BNI) Sound Networking meets Each Wednesday 7:00 – 8:30 AM at Frog Ponds Cafe

Meet local business people and find out how networking is one of the most effective methods for marketing your business.
Visitors are always welcome, just call ahead to let us know you are coming 519-371-2622.

Business Enterprise Centre Workshops

Basics of Bookkeeping (Three part workshop)
Tuesday September 19th and 26th and Tuesday October 3rd, 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Business Enterprise Centre Training Room $95 (HST included)
Facilitator: Jane Gallagher
This three part Bookkeeping Workshop will allow you to use the tools and information to confidently understand your financial statements and your own books. Class size is limited to 8 to allow a hands-on, individual learning opportunity for everyone.

Business Enterprise Centre Workshops

How to “Really” Start a Business
Wednesday September 20th, 9:00 am – 11:30 am, Bayshore Community Centre
FREE – Pre-registration is required
Facilitator: Cliff Bilyea
Discover the basic steps involved in starting a business, evaluating your idea, determining your market and basic rules and regulations. Attending the is workshop is mandatory for anyone applying to the Starter Company Plus Program.

Business Enterprise Centre Workshops

Introduction to Quick Books (Two part workshop)
Tuesday October 17th and 24th, 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Business Enterprise Centre Training Room, $80 (HST Included)
Instructor: Jane Gallagher
The first session of Quick Books provides participants with an overview and access to a trial version of the program. The second session will be questions and answers to address specific issues. Knowledge of basic bookkeeping principles is required. Limited to 8, you must bring your own laptop. (This workshop does not cover the online version of Quick Books)


Phone: 519 371 7464
Fax: 519 371 4043
Site: gbbj.biz
Email: editor@gbbj.biz
Address: 1240 2nd Ave E
Owen Sound, ON N4K 2J3

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