Owen Sound Launches “Are You Most?” Recruitment Campaign

The City of Owen Sound has launched a unique marketing campaign targeted to young entrepreneurs from the GTA and Southwestern Ontario. It urges these people to think outside the box and make Owen Sound home for their next business venture.

The campaign, titled “Are You Most,” is cheeky and innovative, breaking the conventional rules of digital marketing and workplace attraction. Its premise is that Owen Sound is not for everyone; it’s not even for most people. But for the right person – someone with vision, courage, tenacity and a desire to help shape the city’s future — it’s an excellent match.

"Are You Most" web site screen enticing readers.

“Are You Most” web site screen enticing readers.

The campaign launched Monday at www.areyoumost.com, and will be followed by social media ads targeting young, educated professionals interested in relocating to a smaller, vibrant community on the cusp of growth. It positions Owen Sound as the next boomtown, but doesn’t shy away from the challenges.

“Too far? For most people. Too cold? For most people. Too small? For most people,” it prompts, suggesting these can also be viewed as opportunities.

The web site leads viewers through a series of questions to determine if they might be a good match, filtering out those who aren’t. “We want to attract the type of people who see a challenge as an opportunity in the making,” says Community Services Director Pam Coulter. “We are trying to find 10, 5, 3 or even that one person that we’re looking for.”

"Are You Most" web site screen enticing readers.

“Are You Most” web site screen enticing readers.

A short list of qualified candidates will be paired with local ambassadors to “test drive” the city for a weekend this fall. They include downtown retailers and people working in technology, film, health care, food services, insurance, real estate, music and art. Jacquie Furtner, co-owner of the Bare Birch home furnishing store, is one of them. “I love this city,” she enthuses.

The Are You Most campaign will run until October, and the recruitment structure can be used in future. The City has retained BC Hughes Inc, Tourism Development, Management and Marketing, to assist with the program.

For more information, please contact Paulette Peirol, Tourism Marketing Co-ordinator, at 519-376-4440 ext. 1245 or email to ppeirol@owensound.ca.



Learn to Network

Business Networking International (BNI) Sound Networking meets Each Wednesday 7:00 – 8:30 AM at Frog Ponds Cafe

Meet local business people and find out how networking is one of the most effective methods for marketing your business.
Visitors are always welcome, just call ahead to let us know you are coming 519-371-2622.

Business Enterprise Centre Workshops

Basics of Bookkeeping (Three part workshop)
Tuesday September 19th and 26th and Tuesday October 3rd, 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Business Enterprise Centre Training Room $95 (HST included)
Facilitator: Jane Gallagher
This three part Bookkeeping Workshop will allow you to use the tools and information to confidently understand your financial statements and your own books. Class size is limited to 8 to allow a hands-on, individual learning opportunity for everyone.

Business Enterprise Centre Workshops

How to “Really” Start a Business
Wednesday September 20th, 9:00 am – 11:30 am, Bayshore Community Centre
FREE – Pre-registration is required
Facilitator: Cliff Bilyea
Discover the basic steps involved in starting a business, evaluating your idea, determining your market and basic rules and regulations. Attending the is workshop is mandatory for anyone applying to the Starter Company Plus Program.

Business Enterprise Centre Workshops

Introduction to Quick Books (Two part workshop)
Tuesday October 17th and 24th, 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Business Enterprise Centre Training Room, $80 (HST Included)
Instructor: Jane Gallagher
The first session of Quick Books provides participants with an overview and access to a trial version of the program. The second session will be questions and answers to address specific issues. Knowledge of basic bookkeeping principles is required. Limited to 8, you must bring your own laptop. (This workshop does not cover the online version of Quick Books)


Phone: 519 371 7464
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Site: gbbj.biz
Email: editor@gbbj.biz
Address: 1240 2nd Ave E
Owen Sound, ON N4K 2J3

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